LAST UPDATED ON April 12, 2023 ‐ 5 Comments

Kicksta Review 2023: Safe & Effective But Watch Out For This

We’re always interested in trying out the tools and software our audience can get a lot of use out of.

Final Verdict: Kicksta is Safe But Growth Is Unpredictable

The bottom line: We found that Kicksta is safe, affordable and overall a good investment. The main issue with the service for us has been that the rate at which your Instagram followers grow is a bit unpredictable. When you have Kicksta running it goes out and favorites and likes one or at most a few photos on each of the target followers accounts. So you need to be dead sure that the accounts you are targeting are legitimate and active Instagram users.




Kicksta Review – Automate Instagram Growth

One of the biggest challenges you face is brand awareness and quite often the solution is to boost your social following and engagement.

However if you do not have any followers interested in your product, how can your business ever get off the ground?

Turning to an influencer or a professionals or an instagram automation tool is a way to lighten the load while increasing results. For many, Kicksta is one of those tools.


What is Kicksta?

What is Kicksta?

Kicksta is a tool startup and small businesses can use to generate more organic, real followers on Instagram. Many people value quality over quantity, but that’s not always the case on social media. Between some following any account under the sun or the thousands of spam accounts that clog your feed, gaining authentic social media followers can be tough.

Kicksta eliminates all that by working with their clients to target audiences, follow accounts, and gain interest from real life people. Thing of it as an Instagram bot to get organic instagram followers. 

In this Kicksta review we’ll dive deep into how effective this instagram growth service is to increase your instagram follower count for your instagram account and do this at scale.

We’ll also look into how safe is this growth tool when it comes to combatting fake followers vs. real instagram followers.



Set Up

Set up is pretty easy. The first thing Kicksta needs is the Instagram account you or your business is using, its password, and a list of target accounts you want to follow.

For the targeted accounts, you’ll want to aim for those who are your competitors. For example, our head of content recently brought home a new puppy and we used his account, YourDoodMortimer. As you can imagine, plenty of dog and pet accounts exist on Instagram already. So, we targeted accounts with the same dog breed as Mortimer and relevant hashtags.

Kicksta then goes out and starts liking photos from those who follow your competitors. They’ll get the notification that you liked their stuff and go back to your profile to check it out. Remember, real instagram followers on your competitors’ accounts could be real instagram followers on yours.

They key term here is real followers vs. ghost followers (or fake followers).


Key Features

Breakdown of Information

One of the things we like best about Kicksta is that it breaks down which hashtags and targeted profiles are performing well. For example, if you’re following a hashtag that yields a lot of search results, Kicksta will mention this. If, on the other hand, you’re following ones that are performing poorly or have experienced a significant drop in interest, you’ll be alerted about this as well. This is a powerful feature for most instagram users.

The exclamation marks next to various hashtags or profiles warn you that the target has depleted. They recommend that you unfollow this particular target and aim for new ones.

The bar graphs to the side of your targets let you know how well they’re performing. After a sample size of likes (about 200-250 per target), Kicksta can let you know which ones are more worth your time.

Focused on Likes

Kicksta doesn’t go around following 500 accounts or liking 1000 photos in one day. They know what it takes to look authentic and bring in organic growth and new followers to a target account on Instagram. They also refrain from posting content or comments on your behalf.





Kicksta has three different pricing models for you to choose from. The first is called “Standard” which costs a modest $49 per month. This one is more for those just starting out. You can target 10 accounts, see moderate growth to your account, and get video onboarding to help you get started.

The second premium plan, dubbed “Premium” recently slashed its price from $149 to $99 a month. We went with this one as it offered more for what was still a great price. With this account, you can target people through additional information like gender or even go after hashtags and location. It also boosts your targets to 40 and presents live chat support.

The top tier plan is called “Pro Plan” which recently slashed it’s price from $338 to $218 a month. This plan guarantees 850+ followers per month which is a nice guarantee to have when you’re paying for a service to gain followers. This plan also offers advanced diversification of audience from global influencers helping you target the right audience for your account.

For those unsure about committing, they also offer a 14-day money back guarantee.


Kicksta Support

Kicksta Support

Regardless of the plan you go with, you’ll always have someone available from Kicksta’s customer support. As we mentioned earlier, The Creative plan doesn’t allow for live chat support, but you can still reach out anytime via email and they’ll answer you. Not to mention, they also have helpful (albeit short) video tutorials you can watch to help you get started.

For those on The Professional plan, you have the added bonus of live chat. 



Is It Legitimate?

We think it is. Our information and passwords were never in any danger of being sold or stolen. They’re also not the kind of software company you can’t contact. There’s no funny business when it comes to cancellation either.

Since they’re going after niche targets and taking the like-only approach, you also get legitimate followers that don’t leave after a few days.


Our Results

We used Kicksta for about one month. In that time, we went after 40 targets (a mix of accounts and hashtags). To date, we went from 12 followers to 295.

You can easily check to see how many followers you gained on your kicksta dashboard. You can also go into the calendar and see stats for custom time periods.

We didn’t run into the typical “follow for follow” scenario either. Those who came to the profile stuck around.


Pros and Cons

Kicksta Pros

  • Easy to use
  • Quick set up
  • Targets niche hashtags and accounts
  • Thoroughly breaks down analytics
  • Modest pricing
  • Live chat support
  • Allows you to go after your target audience based on specific hashtags and interests
  • Can support multiple accounts
  • Doesn’t post or comment on your behalf
  • 14-day money back guarantee

Kicksta Cons

  • Not a real person, it’s an automated service
  • No live chat support for those with basic plan
  • Does not work with Instagram Ads
  • No smart filter to filter out topics and interests you do not want to target

One of the biggest risks you run is using automated features for your account. At times, Instagram might flag this as spam. We never ran into any issues, but any automation tools or software presents this risk on social media.  

That said, it’s really up to you to help prevent any bans or suspensions. Even if you’re using a tool that likes photos, that’s only a piece of the puzzle. Social media platforms ban accounts using too many hashtags or posting too many comments. Since Kicksta doesn’t do any of that for you, it’s up to you to monitor that behavior.


Final Verdict

Summing up this Kicksta review – overall we’d say it’s a great instagram tool

Kicksta provided us with exactly what we wanted, we saw a significant increase in our follower count and knew they were legitimate people interested in our posts. Since Kicksta never posts or comments on your behalf, you can also rest easy knowing that your account won’t get flagged as spam. They’re all about getting you organic traffic in a reliable, safe way.

Get Real Instagram Followers with Kicksta

Put your Instagram profile growth on autopilot

5 responses to “Kicksta Review 2023: Safe & Effective But Watch Out For This

  1. Kicksta service is a JOKE! I signed up a week ago, I’ve been unable to even get my IG account set-up, they keep telling me that my password doesn’t work, even though I’ve re-set it numerous times, am able to log in each of those time using the new password to wait 24 hours to get a automated response to “update your password”.

    1. Hi John, thanks for your note. I am not aware of any login issues folks have experienced with Kicksta before, but let me ask them to chime in. The team over there is usually very responsive.

  2. Why does their own IG account of so few followers? Also I can only find one of the 5 testimonial acccounts that they have on their website.

    1. Hey Suzie, good question, when I first used them I actually asked the same thing. From what I Know – they try and focus more on providing informative tips to their followers to help them grow their accounts, they are not focused on crazy growth/build of their own account. They are not selling eCommerce/ products or physical goods or anything. Also – regarding the testimonials, I know that that Kicksta is currently in the middle of a redesign and are switching their testimonials to more recent ones. If you want to see recent testimonials, check out their google reviews where you can see plenty of first hand users accounts of the service.

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